Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapter 9- What We Have Been Reading For

Every chapter of this book has surprised me in some way, and this chapter did not fail to do it.  This chapter was surprising, depressing, and eye opening to me.  I thought that a ton of people would be at Gatsby funeral, but sadly only reporters showed up.  The only people who went to his funeral that truly cared about him was his father, Nick, and the man with the owl eye glasses.  Its sad that "owl eyes" showed up to his funeral and didn’t even know who he was, when his friends such as Tom, Daisy, and Jordan didn’t even bother to show up.  I think Fitzgerald meant something by putting "owl eyes" in the end of the story but I do not know what it is.  In this last chapter I also found my favorite quote of the book.  "for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder" (180).  I think Gatsby had his own American dream but it was not a typically American dream.  The idea of the American dream is if you can work hard and are a good person you will be successful in life.  Gatsby's dream was getting rich quick and focusing his life on winning over Daisy.  I think this is what makes Gatsby such an interesting character.  I now see and agree that Gatsby is the most interesting and complex character in American literature.  I really enjoyed writing the blogs and how we read the book and then would discuss it in class.  I think this is what made me enjoy this book.  I would honestly always read every night and then I would look forward all day to discussing it in class.  Even though writing a blog does take some time, I enjoyed it too.  I though when writing the blog you could truly express how you feel about the book.  This whole experience and how interesting the book was made this by far my favorite book I have ever read.  Thank you for making this such an enjoyable experience for me.  I hope I am fortunate enough in the future to do something like this again with a book.  


  1. Great use of the quote Sully. I like how you talked about Gatsby relating to the American dream because we are studying American Literature and that is the theme of the course. You also do a goo djob describing Gatsby's character in depth.

  2. I'm really happy you enjoyed the book so much Sully. I think part of what makes it good is that there are so many things to talk about and so many different directions to take the conversation. The dream, time, love...it encompasses all the best themes of American life. You should check out some of his other work if you like Gatsby a lot. Start with his first book, This Side of Paradise. Also, I think Owl Eyes is in there as a small beacon of hope, one superficial, drunk man who actually realized that Gatsby had some substance behind him.
