Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter 8- Wilson's Rage

Chapter has to be the most significant chapter in the entire book.  The chapter starts by Nick trying to sleep but he can't because he is worried about Gatsby.  I noticed that Nick is the only character in the book that has a true relationship with Gatsby.  Daisy and Gatsby do have a relationship but in my opinion their relationship is real to Gatsby but not real to Daisy.  Nick is in bed and hears Gatsby taxi pull into his drive way at four in the morning.  Nick feels compelled to go see Gatsby and ask him what happened.  Again, I noticed that Nick truly cares about Gatsby and that they have one of the only real relationships in the book.  At this point in the story Fitzgerald shows a very important symbol that relates to Gatsby.  Gatsby house is very empty, dirty and dark.  This symbols the way Gatsby life is going.   Gatsby and Daisy are basically over because she does not admit that she has never loved Tom.  Gatsby is starting to realize he has wasted five years of his life trying to obtain Daisy.  Nick tells Gatsby maybe he should go somewhere and lay low for a while but Gatsby wont listen.  Nick says, "He wouldn’t consider it.  He couldn’t possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was going to do.  He was clutching at some last hope and I couldn’t bear to shake him free" (148).  Gatsby can not understand that him and Daisy can never be together.  Daisy is too artificially and fake for anyone but Tom.  I did not expect the book to go this way at all.  I thought Gatsby and Daisy would end up together and the book would have a happy ending.  In class when we talked about symbols, one of the most significant symbols was that Gatsby thinks he can control time.  I did not understand this until I read this chapter.  Gatsby servant asks him to drain the pool because the leaves will start falling soon.  Gatsby realizes that he hasn’t used his pool al summer.  The only reason Gatsby even has a pool is to impress Daisy.  Now he realizes he has wasted five years of his life chasing after Daisy; now he has acquired all this wealthy and his Manson and now he does not know what to do because now Daisy is gone.  When I was reading this part of the book the entire book finally made sense to me.  Gatsby finally decides to uses his pool.  I thought this part was very ironic because the first day Gatsby realizes he cant control time and needs to live in the moment, he dies.  Wilson kills Gatsby.  This part of the book really surprised me because Wilson was never a major part of the book.  I hope something big happens in chapter nine.  This book has amazed me in each chapter.  I never know what to expect with this book.   

1 comment:

  1. Great work analyzing time and Gatsby's use of his pool - I think you said it exactly how I wish I would have said it in class. He finally lives in the moment, and life is scary to him now because he doesn't have the comfort of Daisy anymore, but it's too late for him. It's all passed him by, which is part of the reason that Fitz had to kill him off. Nice analysis here Sully.
